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Works Cited- Albert MacKie, Scottish Pageantry, pgs 22-23, 26-31, 40-50, 70, 86-89, UK: England: London: Hutchinson & Co Ltd ©1967.
- Dugald Mitchell MD, A Popular History of the Highlands & Gaelic Scotland From the Earliest Times to the Close of the Forty Five, pgs 1 -144, 149-167, 169-212, 232-257, 300-310, 340-374, 381-405, UK: Paisley, Scotland: Alexander Gardner, Publisher to Her Majesty the Queen ©1900.
- Caroline Bingham, Beyond the Highland Line: Highland History & Culture, pgs 19-24, London: Constable ©1991 ISBN: 094687900.
- Joe Graedon & Theresa Graedon, Ph.D, Milk Thistle [this page has a pop-up], Peoples Perscription Guide to Home & Herbal Remedies, Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing ©2001 Ellen J. Lord
- Clann Ross Association of Canada Inc., Scotlands Gems, The Scottish Banner ©October 1998, Canada: Ontario Province: Toronto: 15 Tepee Ct, M2J3A8, Téléphone: +1-416-491-1861.
- R. Albertini, Windows on Italy: The Early Italic Tribes, Italy: Rome & Navarra: Istituto Geografico De Agostini Publishing ©2001.
- The Applied History Research Group, Territorial Expansion of the Roman World, Canada: Alberta Province: University of Calgary: 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary T2N 1N4 ©1996.
- Donald High School, Imperium, URL âge: /home/spotter/Gallic_Tribes.html, Australia: P.O. Box 138 Donald Vic. 3480. Téléphone +61 03 54971205 ©2001.
- RK, A Very Brief History of the Celts, USA: Virginia State: World Coin Catalog, 1219 Redgate Ave #4, Norfolk, VA 23507 ©1999
- Gerard P. Moran, Appendix V: Names of Celtic Tribes, Sources: Julius Caesar: De Bello Gallico, i pg 1, ii pg 4, iii pg 8, vii pg 75, Gerhard Herm: The Celts, Barry Cunliffe: The Celtic World, J.P.V.D. Balsdon: Romans & Aliens, USA: Texas State: The Celtic Cowboy Company: 9715 Stonemont, La Porte 77571
- AMBIANI – Troupe de Gaulois: rétrospective, Carte des Tribus Gauloises, Sources: Larousse éd, Illustrated French history, Vol. 1: Les Ambiani ©1610 & Stephan Fichtl, éd. The Gallic Ones of the North of Gaule, Errance, France: 19/21, rue des Augustins Amiens 80000, Téléphone: +33 322716190 ©2004.
- Professor Victor Lilcik-Adams, Director of CHPO: Cultural Heritage Protection Office & Archeologist, Macedonia Cultural Heritage: The Romans in Macedonia, Antiquity ©2001, Republic of Macedonia: Ministry of Culture, Cultural Heritage Protection Office, Gjuro Gjakovic 61, Skopje, Téléphone: + 389 2 3289 703
- Dr. Robert Reuven Sokal (1926–2012), European Ethno History Database, USA: New York State: Stonybrook: The State University of New York Biological Sciences Dept. of Ecology & Evolution ©2000
- Dr. L.J. Mark Cooray (1938—2014), Cornelius Tacitus, The Histories by Cornelius Tacitus: Book Four Civilis Revolts (12–37), Italy: Rome © BC, Website: Australia: Ralph Philip Atkinson, 90 High St, Jandowae, Queensland 4410, Téléphone: +07 4668 5880
- W. Walter LaRoche, Venturing Into Germany, USA: Georgia State: BSA: Atlanta Area Council © 2002
- Christopher S. Mackay, Roman Conquest of Italy, Early Roman History Class 365, Canada: Alberta Province: University of Alberta, 2-28 Tory Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H4 ©2001
- The Idiots Guide to Celtic History [Link dead]
- Wolf Warriors: The Romans, the Dacians and the Vlachs Romania: ©2002
- Dr. Philip de Jersey, John Hooker, Carine Perron, Bob Wilkins Chief Photographer, The Oxford Celtic Coin Index, Contributors List, UK: England: County Oxfordshire: University of Oxford Institute of Archeology, 36 Beaumont St, Oxford, OX1 2PG © 2001.
- Cities of the Underworld: Scotland, The History Channel ©2007
- Chris Rudd Celtic Coins from Chris Rudd: Iron Age Numismatics History, International Association of Professional Numismatists Celtic Coin Seller of Danubian, Gaulish, Celtiberian, British Coins bought directly from finders; prices from £30 to £3,000, credit cards welcome, Catalogue Subscription £25 UK/£30 overseas airmail, UK: England: P.O. Box 222 Aylsham Norfolk NR11 6TY. Téléphone: 01263 734007 Fax 02163 731777
- Simon Brown, Member of the British Numismatic Society, Charity No. 275906, Liberalitas Laudator Temporis Acti Antiquities Ltd, UK: England: County Hertfordshire: University of Cambridge Department of Archeology: The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TN UK Téléphone: +44 (0)1223 337733 [He also sells torcs, fibulas, axes and other grave artifacts on E-Bay]
- Dane Kurth “Helvetica” Wildwinds Ancient Coins, Domains By Proxy LLC®, USA: Missouri State: ACCG: Ancient Coin Collectors Guild, Executive Director: Wayne G. Sayles, P.O. Box 911, Gainesville, MO 65655 . Téléphone: +1-417- 679-2142, 501c Non-Profit: Registration No. N00599173 ©2004–2007.
- Rhobogdi Vennicni, USA: Kansas State: University of Kansas: 1450 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045,
Téléphone: +1-785-864-8080: www.ukans.edu/history/index/europe/ancient_rome/E/Gazetteer/Periods/Roman/.Texts/Ptolemy/2/1*.html
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