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Works Cited
- Timothy R. Roberts, The Celts In Myth & Legend, pgs. 10, 18-21, 23-30, 34-65, USA: New York State: Friedman Fairfax Publishing, 230 5th Ave, NYC 100017 ©1995 ISBN: 1567990924
- Edna Barth (1900–1981), Shamrocks, Harps, & Shillelaghs: The Story of Saint Patrick’s Day Symbols, Illustrated by Ursula Arndt, USA: New York State: Seabury Press ©1977 ©February 2001, Clarion Books ISBN: 9780618096510
- Maymie Richardson Krythe, All About American Holidays, pg 60-5, USA: New York State: Harper & Row, ©1962 ASIN: 0060030909
- Joanne Asala, Celtic Folklore Cooking, pg 279, USA: Minnesota State: Llewellyn Publications, 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 ©1998 ISBN: 1567180442
- Thomas Cahill (1940–), How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe, pg 108-114, USA: New York State: Nan A. Talese, Doubleday Pub ©1995 ISBN: 0385418493
- Frank Delaney (1942–), BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation Presenter, The Celts, pg 31-42, USA: Massachusetts State: Little Brown & Company, Boston ©1986 ASIN: 0517019825
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- Grace B. Humphrey (1882–), Stories of the World’s Holidays, pg 111, USA: Massachusetts: Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, Massachusetts ©1924, 1990. ISBN: 1558888829
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- Prof. Robert Atkinson (1839–1908), The Book of Leinster, sometimes called the Book of Glendalough, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Dublin ©1880. 1-374
- John T. Koch, Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. 5 volumes, Petra Sabine Hellmuth, Lebor Laignech, USA: Santa Barbara, Denver & Oxford: ABC Clio. pp. 1125-6. ©2006
- Seán Duffy, Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia, Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin, Book of Leinster, USA: New York & Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 272-4. ©2005
- Tomás Ó Concheanainn (1870–1960), LL & the Date of the Reviser of LU, National University of Ireland: Éigse 20 ©1984: 212–25.
- William O’Sullivan, Notes on the Scripts & Make-Up of the Book of Leinster, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Celtica 7, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Téléphone: +353-1-6140100 ©1966: 1-21
- Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation Inc. USA: California: 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. 2010 Business Development Téléphone c/o Kul Wadhwa: +1-415-839-6885. Facsimile: +1-415-882-0495. Legal: CT Corporation System, 818 West Seventh Steet, Los Angeles, CA 90017
- Yellow Book of Lecan, Sources: Mary Jone’s Celtic Encyclopedia, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott (1829–1913) & Edward John Gwynn (1868–1941), Catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co for the Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin ©1921, James George O’Keeffe (1865–1937), Irish Texts I. UK: England: London ©1931, Barrister Whitley Stokes (1830–1909), The Colloquy of the Two Sages & The Adventure of St. Columba’s Clerics, France: Paris: La Revue Celtique 26, Librarie A. Franck ©1905: 4-64.130-70, Translator Vernam Hull (1895–1976), The four jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Germany: University of Bonn: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 18 ©1930: 73-89, Translator Sir Samuel Ferguson (1810–1886), Guinness–Mahon Banking Family, Lady Mary Guinness (1823–1905), On the legend of Dathi, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 2.2: 19 Dawson St, Dublin 2 ©1883: 172-3, Tomás Ó Concheanainn, The YBL fragment of Táin Bó Flidais, Celtica xiiii ©1980, p. 56-57 & The manuscript tradition of two Middle Irish Leinster tales & A personal reference by Giolla osa Mór Mac Fhirbhisigh, Celtica xviii ©1986, pp. 13–33.
- White Book of Rhydderch, Sources: Meic Stephens (1938–), The New Companion to the Literature of Wales, UK: Wales: Cardiff: University of Wales Press ©1998. ISBN 0-7083-1383-3, Sir Thomas Parry (1904–1985), A History of Welsh Literature Translated by Sir Harold Idris Bell (1879–1967), UK: England: Oxford: Clarendon Press ©1955
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