Cân y Tylwyth Teg Dowch, dowch, gyfeillon mán, O blith marwolion byd, Dowch, dowch, a dowch yn lân. Partowch, partowch eich pibau cán, Gan ddawnsio dowch i gyd, Mae yn hyfryd heno i hwn. A’r Tylwyth Teg yn dauwnsi’on sionc With the fairies nimbly dancing round Soullh Irish faeries of light. (7) Tylwyth Teg opposite Plânt Annwn (Children of the Abyss) Tylwyth Teg portals: Llyn y Ffynnon Las: Lake of the Green Well & Llyn y Dywarchen: Lake of the Sod, Beddgelert: Bed of Gellert the Greyhound. Brecknock Mere on 3 moonlight nights saw women dancing in a field of oats & plunging into the water. Many used to go to look at them, but they can lure you into the circle; throw a charm which will make you invisible to your companions & detain you forever. The way to get a captured man out is to take a long stick of pren criafol: mountain ash, which two or more strong men hold with one of its ends in the middle of the circle, so that when the man comes around he can take hold of it. | Tylwyth Teg (Fair Family) Rho’wch (People of the Blue Petticoat) (pron. terlooeth teig) Welsh faeries who are good, dance & kidnap children with long golden hair. Their king is Gwyn ap Nudd. They possess glamour and can change into goats, dogs, cats and sionach/shynee: foxes. Gossamer is called Rhaffau’r Tylwyth Teg: the Ropes of the Fair Family because they use it to bind sleepers. They live underground in mountains and caves. The way to their wooded country the Land of Enchantment: Gwlad Hud a Lledrith with meadows of bright flowers is underneath hollow banks that overhang the deepest parts of lakes, or the deepest pools in rivers. Mortals can not follow them further than the water. They are dark-haired, one to three feet tall, wear birch leaf coats, moss breeches & gorse flower hats. They are associated with poisonous foxgloves which are called petticoats. They use glow worms for torches. They have white horses, the women have bright dresses of red, white, pink, blue and green on Mayday. They play harp and violin music; feast on wine in golden cups inlaid with gems on silver tables in palaces of gold and pearls. Their sacred well which cannot be drunk from is full of fishes of every color and golden fish. Pen y Boric, Corwrion, Wales, Afon Cegin Arthur is a portal and some have seen their houses submerged under the water. In rough weather the bells from the church tower of that town may be heard ringing, The lake is populated by herons, geese, cormorants, eels, leeches, water-hens, water-lilies, rushes & sedges. A sour apple-tree is lit up by fire during the winter half of the year. The faeries use spinning-wheels: troell bach in the summer and sing rounds: sìli ffrit: small fish divination. On nights when the moon is full they celebrate a noswaith lawen: merry night. At midnight they rise out of the ground in every combe and valley; then, joining hands, form circles, and sing and dance until cock-crow, where they then vanish. (20, 89, 96, 207) |