![[Christine OKeeffes May Day Customs]](../banners/maycus.gif)
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Works Cited- Gilda Berger (1935–), Easter and Other Spring Holidays, pg 2-3, USA: New York: Franklin Watts © 1983 ASIN: 0-531-04547-1
- Kevin Danaher (1913–2002), The Year In Ireland, pg 88, Ireland: Munster Province: County Cork: Mercier Press © 1972 ISBN: 1-856-35093-2
- Ronald Hutton (1953–), The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain, pg 218-9, 221-2, 233, UK: England: County Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press 1997 ISBN: 0-192-88045-4
- Joanne Asala, Celtic Folklore Cooking, pg 5, 223, 319, 349, USA: Saint Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Pub © 1998 ISBN: 1-567-18044-2.
- Emma Mary Thomas [Marie Trevelyan] (1853–1922), Folk-lore & folk-stories of Wales, Chapter V, UK: England: John Hogg Publishers ©1909
- Robert Shea, May Day/Maifest/Walpurgis Cross Quarter Day May 1st, German & German-American Customs, Traditions & Origins of Holidays, USA: Indiana State: c/o Max Kade German-American Center, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ, 425 University Blvd., CA 329, Indianapolis 46202 ©2001
- Winifred Hodge, Walburga and the Rites of May, USA: New Hampshire State: Frigga’s Web: German American Customs, P.O. Box 1435, Lincoln, NH 03251 ©1996–2001. Sources: Jakob Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie: Teutonic Mythology, Translator James S. Stalleybrass Edition, UK: London: George Bell & Sons ©1883, German Original ©1844, Eduard Hoffmann-Krayer (1864–1936) & Hanns Bächtöld-Stäubli (1886–1941), eds. Handwörterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens, Germany: Berlin & Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co. ©1929–1930, Ernst Ludwig Rochholz (1809–1892), Drei Gaugöttinen: Walburg, Verena und Gertrud, als deutsche Kirchenheilige. Sittenbilder aus germanischen Frauenleben, Germany: Leipzig: Verlag von Friedrich Fischer ©1870.
- Paula Bardell, Oak Apple Day UK: All Info-About English Culture © 2000
- Dr. John Clague, Cooinaghtyn Manninagh: Manx Reminiscences, by the late Dr. John Clague, Cabdul I: Ollick As In Vlein Noa: Chapter I: Christmas & The New Year, Published by M.J. Backwell, Bookseller: Crofton, Castletown, Isle of Man ©1911 HTML Transcription Ms. Frances Coakley ©2001
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